





The Abyssinian is noted for its regal appearance and lithe body with long slender legs. It resembles the sacred cat of ancient Egypt.阿比西尼亚猫以其帝王般的外表和修长的腿而闻名。它就像古埃及的圣猫。

American Shorthairs美洲短毛猫

American Shorthairs have broad muscular bodies with thick dense fur. They are hardy cats and natural hunters.美洲短毛猫有宽阔的肌肉和浓密的皮毛。它们是吃苦耐劳的猫,也是天生的猎手。

American Wirehair美国硬毛猫

This cat, rare outside the United States, is medium to large in size and sports a curly coat.这只猫在美国以外的地方很少见,体型中等到很大,有卷毛。


The Bengal, a cross between the Asian leopard cat and the American Shorthair tabby, has a spotted coat and hind legs that are shorter than its forelegs.孟加拉虎是亚洲豹猫和美国短毛虎斑猫的杂交品种,它身上有斑点,后腿比前腿短。


This breed is a cross between the Burmese and the black American Shorthair. Its elegant appearance resembles that of an Indian black leopard.这个品种是缅甸短毛猫和美国短毛猫的杂交品种。它优雅的外表就像印度的黑豹。

British Shorthair英国短毛猫

The British Shorthair is the oldest natural English breed. There are many varieties, all with broad bodies, short legs, and short thick tails.英国短毛猫是英国最古老的自然品种。有许多品种,都有宽的身体,短的腿,短而粗的尾巴。


The Burmese, a medium-sized breed with a thick glossy coat, is related to the Siamese. The ancestor of the Burmese is thought to have been a cat named Wong Mau. Wong Mau was described as a chocolate-colored Siamese.缅甸猫是一种中等大小的猫种,有厚厚的光滑的皮毛,与暹罗犬有亲缘关系。缅甸猫祖先被认为是一只名叫黄茂的猫。黄毛被形容为巧克力色的暹罗人。


The Chartreux is one of the oldest natural breeds of cat. The origin of the breed dates back as far as early 18th-century France. It is robust and comes in shades of blue-gray.Chartreux是最古老的自然猫品种之一。这个品种的起源可以追溯到18世纪早期的法国。它很结实,有深浅不一的蓝灰色。

Cornish Rex康沃尔的雷克斯猫

The Cornish Rex cat, which originated in Cornwall, England, was named after a breed of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) called the Rex rabbit, because of the similar texture of their coats. It is recognized by its curly short coat and large ears.康沃尔的雷克斯猫,起源于英格兰的康沃尔,以一种叫雷克斯兔的欧洲兔子(Oryctolagus cuniculus)命名,因为它们的皮毛质地相似。它是由它卷曲的短毛和大耳朵来识别的。

Devon Rex德文狸猫(雷克斯猫)

Sometimes called the “poodle cat,” the Devon Rex has a slightly coarser coat than the Cornish Rex, and it has a pixielike face.德文郡的雷克斯猫有时被称为“贵宾猫”,它的皮毛比康沃尔的雷克斯稍微粗糙一些,而且它有一张精灵般的脸

Egyptian Mau埃及猫

The Egyptian Mau possesses a strong resemblance to the cats depicted in the art of Egyptian antiquity. It has a graceful body with a distinct spot pattern and a banded tail.埃及猫和古埃及艺术中描绘的猫非常相似。它有一个优雅的身体与独特的斑点图案和一条带状的尾巴。

Japanese Bobtail日本短尾猫

The Japanese Bobtail has shorthair and longhair varieties of cats. The breed is known for its pom-pom-like tail and triangular face with large ears. In Japan some consider it a symbol of good luck.日本短尾猫有短毛猫和长毛猫两种。该品种以其蓬蓬状的尾巴和三角形的大耳朵而闻名。在日本,有些人认为它是好运的象征。

Korat呵叻[lè] 猫(泰国短毛家猫)

The local name of the Korat breed of cat in its native Thailand is Si-Sawat. The Korat is also considered to be good luck. It has a silver-blue coat and a heart-shaped face.


The Manx cat is tailless. The breed’s tailless gene is often associated with spinal defects and can cause stillbirths if these cats are not bred with tailed cats. Manx cats sport a double coat, having a soft undercoat beneath longer, coarser hairs.Manx猫没有尾巴。该品种的无尾基因通常与脊柱缺陷有关,如果这些猫没有与有尾的猫交配,就会导致死产。Manx猫有双重被毛,长而粗的毛下有柔软的底毛。



The Ocicat is a cross between an Abyssinian, an American Shorthair, and a Siamese cat. It was bred to produce the spotted pattern of a wildcat, such as a leopard or a margay.欧西猫是阿比西尼亚猫、美国短毛猫和暹罗猫的杂交品种。它被培育成野猫的斑纹图案,如豹纹或玛姬纹。

Oriental Shorthair东方短毛猫

The Oriental Shorthair is a breed of cat whose coat appears in a wide variety of colors, patterns, and coat lengths. It has a long lithe body and vivid green eyes.东方短毛猫是一种猫,它的毛有各种各样的颜色、图案和长度。它有修长的身体和生动的绿色眼睛。

Russian Blue俄罗斯蓝猫

The Russian Blue cat is thought to have been first brought to the United States from Russia in 1900. It has a double blue coat with silver tipping and is fine-boned but muscular. To some, Russian Blue cats are also considered omens of good luck.据认为,俄罗斯蓝猫于1900年首次从俄罗斯被带到美国。它有一个双重的蓝色外套与银小费,是细骨但肌肉。对一些人来说,俄罗斯蓝猫也被认为是好运的预兆。

Scottish Fold苏格兰折耳猫

The Scottish Fold cat, in longhair and shorthair varieties, is named for the tightly folded appearance of the ears. The folded-ear gene can also carry dangerous birth defects.苏格兰折耳猫,有长毛猫和短毛猫两种,因其耳朵折叠紧密而得名。折叠耳基因也可能携带有危险的先天缺陷。


The Siamese is a breed of domestic shorthair cat that originated in Thailand. It has sapphire blue eyes and a long lean body and is noted for intelligence and sometimes unpredictable behavior.暹罗猫是一种起源于泰国的家养短毛猫。它有着蓝蓝的眼睛和修长的身体,以智慧和有时不可预测的行为而闻名。


The Sphynx is a hairless breed of cat with large ears that first appeared in Canada at the end of the 1960s.Sphynx是一种无毛的大耳朵猫,最早出现在20世纪60年代末的加拿大。


These cats are medium-sized with blue-green eyes. The breed is a cross between the Siamese and Burmese. The first organization to recognize the Tonkinese was the Canadian Cat Association in the late 1960s.这些猫中等大小,有蓝绿色的眼睛。这个品种是暹罗猫和缅甸猫的杂交品种。第一个承认Tonkinese的组织是20世纪60年代末的加拿大猫协会。


